Since I’m not good at communication, this forum is closed.
- Tanigawa Nico’s Tweet Collection
- Interview with Tanigawa Nico in the official fan book
- Interview with Tanigawa Nico on weekly playboy
- Profile of Tanigawa Nico on Monthly Big Comic Spirits
- Internet radio show Tanigawa Ikko appeared, Part 1
- Internet radio show Tanigawa Ikko appeared, Part 2
- Useful Links for Watamote Fans
Watamote Fan Communities
Watamote RADIO will start on July 16 at Hibiki Radio Station. It will be out every Tuesday. Radio personality is Izumi Kitta.
And the Watamote anime will be distributed on NicoNico douga, too.
See also Anime Information of Watamote page!
Awesome! I wish I knew enough Japanese to listen. I need to try to learn faster!
This kind of radio show is common, right? I just found out about them from finding a link to this: , which was hilarious.
I’m also not good at speaking English though, I think that video is very funny.
Most of the midnight anime have its radio program to promote their products. I hope they will invite Tanigawa Nico to the radio show as guests.
@MoricomKi: “I bought the Vol.3 and Vol.4. Yuu has become an adult…, right?”
Tanigawa Nico: “I think there must be a possibility that she hasn’t become an adult yet.”
Is “becoming an adult” an idiom/phrase meaning losing one’s virginity in Japanese? Are they talking about how likely it is that Yuu has had sex?
Yes. Tanigawa Nico is implying that it is possible that Yuu is still a virgin.
Oh yeah man. Nice. I see.
Yuu is very cute, don’t you think?
The way your comment is written is kind of creepy…
Chapter 43 is out.
Tomoko: “Fuee… I was so preoccupied with penis that I couldn’t concentrate at all…”
Not only Chapter 43, you can also read two episodes of the Watamote anthology now.
And this is a new picture of the nendoroid petit of Tomoko.
And these are bonuses of Vol.4 comic. If you buy a Watamote Vol.4 comic at certain stores below, you can get a illustrated card or a postcard respectively.
whoah dude, nice… PENIS…. Thanks for the information
I hope someone will scan/translate the anthology.
I’m guessing those shops don’t ship overseas? But it’s only a postcard after all.
Paper tray mat of Tomoko, at LOTTERIA, fast-food restaurants in Japan.
The special limited edition of a Watamote comic (perhaps vol.6) with a Nendoroid petit figure of Tomoko will be on sale!
Release date is March 22, 2014. But you have to order by August 30 this year, because it’s make-to-order.
Further information will be announced at Gangan Online webpage.
And Amazon did it again.
The special limited edition of Watamote comic vol.6 with a Nendoroid petit figure of Tomoko
Is Amazon the only place you can order them from?
I don’t think so. But I don’t well know about other sites.
On /a/, people were talking that you could get it from AmiAmi.
The preview of the Watamote anime, “視聴率取れなかったらお前らが悪い! (It’s Your Fault If It Cannot Get High Audience Rate!)” will be held on June 29 at Akihabara Gamers.
Fans will watch the episode 1 of the Watamote anime and get a Watamote poster that is not for sale, free of charge.

Oh man, I wish I could go. Hope that poster shows up on ebay.
I think I will stop translating Futaba and 2ch threads.
When Watamote anime starts, a lot of people will come to Watamote threads. And then, I cannot explain well in English though, I think you know what I mean.
My English is not good yet. So I would rather spend my time on translating Watamote information than Watamote threads.
You say your English is not good yet, but you can properly use the word “than”, which is more than I can say for a lot of native English speakers! Your mistakes seem like they’re usually small, e.g. you missed the definite article “the” between “When” and “Watamote” in the second paragraph.
Keep at it, you’re doing great work!
Thank you.
But I will stop translating watamote threads on a regular basis, perhaps while the anime is being broadcasted.
Sometimes, like when the 1st episode of the anime is out, I will translate them if I have time.
Could you do an explanation of some of the new information on the official website? There seems to be a CD and an interview with the voice actress for Tomoko but can’t read it :P
I translated the interview with Izumi Kitta. This kind of text is hard to translate for me.
Anime Information of Watamote
Today, lots of information were announced, at last.
I think you have already known though, I translated them into English.
Anime Information of Watamote
This is Japanese fans’ reaction.
Japanese fans’ reaction when Tomoko’s VA announced
I closed these two polls. Thank you for voting!
Who do you think the best voice actor for Tomoko?
Which studio do you prefer for Watamote anime?
And chapter 42 is out.
Tomoko: “I’m going to get raped?”
I think this chapter is very good. But Japanese fans are mainly talking about the anime now.
Information of Watamote anime’s OP was announced.
Title: 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い
Singer: Konomi Suzuki and Kiba of Akiba
Lyrics&Music: Kiba of Akiba
Genre: HM/HR
… Who the heck are they?
Konomi Suzuki is the singer of “Dusk Maiden of Amnesia” OP and “The Pet Girl of Sakurasou” OP&ED.
Have you heard about the Amazon listing that shows Izumi Kitta as the VA?
Also, thanks for all your work maintaining this page and keeping us updated on Watamote news.
Thank you.
I’ve heard the news this morning and don’t have time now. I will make a summary of the information tonight (JST) and will translate Japanese fans reactions probably if I have time.
Cover designs of Comic Vol.4 and Anthology
Shame its still a month until they come out.
Tomoko looks cute in these cover pictures.
Tanigawa Nico: “Thank you. If it had not been popular on 4chan and so on, needless to say about the anime, this manga possibly would have ended by now.”
@watamote_PR: “On the official site and Gangan Online, we have announced designs of Tomoko, Tomoki, and Yuu. We are sorry for a little information, but please look forward to speaking Tomoko, getting angry but kind Tomoki! And Yuu is so cute…”
Tanigawa Nico: “They will be rotoscoped on broadcasting, though.”
@vipdego: “What? Is Watamote rotoscoped!?”
Tanigawa Nico: “Just kidding LOL.”
@Katret13: “Is watamote rotoscoped, too?”
Tanigawa Nico: “I think if it were really rotoscoped, I would run away the next day.”
For a second I DID believe it was going to be rotototoscoped. Oh man, the shitstorm COULD have been be glorious. Aku no Hana all over again.
But thanks God she/he was joking and I found pretty funny that she/he said ‘I would run away the next day.’ Hahaha.
Thanks for the translation!
English comics of Watamote will be published by Yen Press, Vol.1 on 2013/10/29, Vol.2 on 2014/01/21.
I will buy them. And I hope that someone will release English dub of Watamote anime, too.
Just out of curiosity, will you guys buy them?
No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular! Vol.1
No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular! Vol.2
I think I probably will buy the translated watamote comics, but I’m not entirely sure yet.
I was thinking of also buying the Japanese blurays once they become available.
I think I will buy them, I already bought the japanese volumes to support the author, but it will be nice to have a hard copy I can read. Also curious about how it will be different to the unofficial translations.
Hello! I’m a USA fan of anime and manga, who has just recently learned of Watamote! I am definitely buying the manga when Yen Press releases them! I too hope that the Watamote anime gets picked up for an English dub release on DVD/BD.
This is a great website as well, good job!
I’ve just finished reading all available chapters of WataMote. I laughed, I cringed, I loved. I especially enjoyed the Battle Royale and Another references.
WataMote seems to be heading in a much sadder direction as the story continues. It breaks my heart ;_;
Can’t wait for the anime! I’ll watch every week and support the English Manga release.
This is a very nice website, it looks great! I have a question about the English fan translations: do you think they sometimes miss subtleties or cultural references that are present in the original Japanese?
About the fan translations of watamote, I think they are doing good work, although they don’t have enough time. I cannot explain well in English though, if I looked for, I could find some mistranslations probably. And I really thank them for their work.
About cultural matters, in watamote, there are some small jokes based on 2ch (or Japanese Internet) culture in some chapters. Even Japanese fans cannot understand all of them. So I wonder how many anons understand some of them.
For example:
In chapter 36, Tomoko is working at a vibrator factory in her imagination. Google “iroha, TENGA” for more information.
Thanks very much for the reply. That vibrator factory part is pretty funny.
@bouninngenn450: “Tanigawa Nico is a duo, right? Which person is doing twitter mainly? …”
Tanigawa Nico: “Both of us tweet in one’s free time. We don’t state which of us is tweeting. There is no specific reason though.”
@shinkiroh777: “I read chapter 41. Is the girl who gave Tomoki cookies the girl visited his home in chapter 25? I’m envious of him. I’ve got handmade cookies only from my younger sister. I’m looking forward to comic vol.4.”
Tanigawa Nico: “Yes, they are the same character. And I’m envious of you that you’ve got cookies from younger sister, too.”
Chapter 41 is out.
This is a translation of Futaba’s thread.
Japanese fans’ reaction to Watamote Chapter 41
And there is no anime information again. A lot of Japanese fans are tired of waiting now.
@mojo0720: “Hi! I love Watamote! What is Tomoko’s height and weight?”
Tanigawa Nico: “I’ve not set them precisely yet. They say some mangaka set even BWH, too. But I’ve never set those yet.”
@watamote_PR : “Watamote anime will start on July! You can see Tomoko moving just in two months. Let’s stay in home with Tomoko this summer!!!”
@watamote_PR : “The anime will start on July. Just before that, on 6/22, comic vol.4 and anthology comic will be pulbished! Take a note of this date. Mojo will prevail this summer!! Let’s get through hot summer while watching Tomoko in a cool room with A/C.”