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Chapter 68 is out.

Tomoko: “Hoeee, I’m impressed that you go to school this early in the morning, da-nyaa.” “Now, do you wanna kill me this morning?”
Tomoki: “Get out of my way already.”
The next chapter will come out on November 20th.
Hey webmaster will there be a volume 8?
We don’t know the date yet, but probably it will come out next year.
Have you guys watched the OVA? (Spoiler Alert!)
Please do not post a link to download or something like that here.
I’ll explain the joke of Kii-chan’s line at the end of the avant-title in the OVA.
It’s a parody of the Charlie Brown’s ASCII art and copypaste about Kill Me Baby that appeared on after the anime ended.
In the copypaste, Charlie Brown says:
“Kill Me Baby is dead. It’ll never come back no matter how many times you call. That time is over, and now it’s time for you to face your life.”
My translation of Kii-chan’s line:
“It’s all over. It’s over, Onee-chan. (Tomoko’s line) Let’s face the reality. That fun time is over, and now it’s time for you to face your life.”
No need to give up your hope, because Kill Me Baby actually came back as an OVA and a Blu-ray box and they sold like hotcakes.
I translated some twitter comments of Japanese fans about the OVA.
・Japanese fans’ reaction to the Watamote OVA
I recommend you to read it after you watch the OVA.
I wanted to ask something about the special edition of the 7th volume.
Is it possible to find it with the blu-ray attached, or only the DVD version is available?
So far I have found only the DVD version (I saw it only at one shop, though)
There is only the DVD version.
So, I just received my copy of localized volume 5 and I checked the index page and to my surprise, TomoMote ch1 was included as a bonus.
My question is, did the Japanese volume 5 also include TomoMote?
What about the other two volumes?
>did the Japanese volume 5 also include TomoMote?
Yes, it did.
>What about the other two volumes?
You mean vol.6 and vol.7 ? Unfortunately, they didn’t.
Aw what a shame.
I got all worked up for nothing then.
I got volume 7 of watamote today.
I’ve scanned the omake/atogaki, and I’ll give it to the fan translators so they can translate it.
But anyway, I wanted to post this picture. Yuu-chan is so cute here, it’s unbelievable.
Awesome wow vol 7 I’m reading vol 5 atm I’m wondering will Tomoko be satisfyed by the end?
Yeah, Yuu in the pic is really cute.
BTW, I’ll explain jokes in the atogaki.
In the atogaki of Choku!, Tanigawa Nico’s previous work, the writer drew a portrait of Chage, a singer of Chage and Aska, a popular music duo in Japan. And the artist, maybe a fan of Chage, got angry and said to the writer that he should have drawn Aska instead of Chage. But the writer replied that it wouldn’t have been funny at all if it had been Aska. And then they had a big quarrel.
But recently, Aska got arrested due to drug violation. In the atogaki of vol.7 , perhaps the artist remembered the quarrel.
The other joke is about that the headquaters of Square Enix was searched by the police.
Webmaster apparently the ova says not aired on kissanime!? And the wiki said that it’s aired on 22 of this Month so will we get it by November?
Sorry, I don’t well know about overseas anime sites.
I just got this email from Amazon:
“We regret to inform you that the following items have been delayed: Tanigawa, Nico “No Matter How I Look at it, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular!, Vol. 5″ Estimated arrival date: December 20 2014 – January 07 2015”
Did the release of English volume 5 get delayed or is Amazon just messing things up?
Amazon Japan emailed me that my copy of the Watamote English comic vol.5 has been shipped today. So I don’t think the release got delayed.
That’s strange. I’ll wait and see what happens. Thanks for letting me know.
Webmaster ^^ thanks for making this site ^^
You are welcome :-)
I’m thinking of translating some twitter comments of Japanese fans about the OVA. It seems there are not so many, though.
Please do!
I will, perhaps before subs come out.
This is the cover of the OVA.

>A little spoiler, please!
OK, just a little.
Its story focused on Tomoko and Aomatsu, the new character. So I felt that the other characters didn’t have enough screentime. You might be disappointed about this. But Tomoko was really adorable and hilarious as always. And Aomatsu was a kind of male version of Tomoko.
My copy of the OVA has arrived today! I haven’t watched it yet though, I will post some screenshots.
I don’t want to spoil your fun, so I cannot tell you my first impression yet. But it seems my prediction was completely wrong.
I hope that you guys will get the OVA soon.
I’m really excited about Aomatsu. (I’m assuming Aomatsu is a boy.)
I’m hoping that he’ll become a significant character in the story. Maybe he’ll become a potential love interest for Tomoko, or something. A lot of interesting things could happen as a result of this.
I’m looking forward to seeing him in the OVA/the manga.
You know, it’s a story about Tomoko in her middle school years…
ok right, I didn’t know.
A little spoiler, please! (8
Great site. Good info for usWatamote fans!
So the OVA came out today, I guess in Japanese. I thinking it will take some time to translate it into in English, and may coincide with the North American release of volume 5, in about a week. Has there been any reaction by the fans in Japan? I can’t imagine any major spoilers. Is there any mention of possible season two? Thanks.
From what I know they said the blue-rays/DVD’s sold low ,but their still might be a chance if the manga and it’s merchandise can sell. After all this is not the first time that it happened. For example, not even Isayama Hajime knew attack on titan would do well ,and now there is gonna be a season two in 2015. Nevertheless, I can’t wait for the fans to translate the Watamote OVA.
English translation of chapter 67 is out… I think Tomoko is cool for not conforming and not playing smash brothers with the otakus. Her antisocial attitude is still hilarious and adorable. It seems like she will never change.
Wow! The fans translated this chapter quite fast. I’m impressed. They usually take about two weeks to translate after a chapter is released.
I remember they once said that thay translate the chapters early, but that they do not upload them immediately.
Chapter 67 is out.
Tomoko: “If it happens, people will think I’m a weirdo for being a princess of otaku gruop without a doubt.”
Large pics of comic vol.7 uploaded on Amazon Japan. There are differences between editions, not only colors and backgrounds but also Tomoko and Kii’s facial expressions.
Watamote Vol.7 regular edition
Watamote Vol.7 limited edition with Original Anime DVD
These are bonuses of Vol.7 comic. If you buy a Watamote Vol.7 comic at certain stores, you can get a illustrated card or a postcard respectively.
The next chapter will come out on November 6th.
Whoa! Tomoko….. princess of an otaku group? Well, at least it’s better than being lonely at the school.
Love the new cover art, she looks too cute with her hair up.
I think getting the poor girl (along with every socially awkward loner) to become nerd-obsessed with health & fitness would do her a lot of good.
Having something to be passionate about that leads to building confidence and mental fortitude & discipline from always overcoming one tough physical challenge after another (be it getting one more push-up/sit-up/pull-up than last time, bench pressing one more kilo, shaving off one more second from your kilometer run record, etc.) carries over to all facets of one’s life.
You have no idea how mighty you feel after picking up 300 lbs from the floor until you’ve done it, and then grinning with determination once you realize it’s time to work towards 350, then 400, then 500…
How can you be afraid of other people when you know you can pick up any mouthy punk with one hand then break them in half without quickening your pulse?! :D That feeling of power and confidence, again, spills over to whatever else you’re doing with your life, even if you choose to play video games. Hell, after that you WANT to always play on the toughest difficulty, because that will flip the same switch in your brain that says, “Wow, this is hard. BRING IT ON!!”
Webmaster, what do you think will happen on episode 13?
Who will be Aomatsu? Btw, fine website.
Aomatsu will be voiced by Junichi Suwabe, the VA of Space Dandy.
From its plot and cast that we already know, I guess that episode 13 will be separated into two parts. One will be school part that Yuu, Komiyama and Aomatsu will appear. The other will be Kuroki family part that Tomoki and Kii-chan will appear.
If both part feature Tomoko’s middle school days, Kii-chan is still in elementary school and has great respect for Tomoko. Guys, I think it’s time to ride on the cringe train again!
A new official art came out.
This is the cover art of the comic vol.7 and you can see small pics of them (regular edition and limited edition) on the official page.
Oh yeah man. Nice. I see.
By the way, when does volume 7 come out?
Both regular edition and limited edition with the OVA will come out on 22nd of this month.
I think large pics of the covers and sample images of bonuses will be out by 16th.
Ah cool, I’ll preorder it tonight. That reminds me, I also need to order the English version of volume 4, I think that’s released sometime this month as well.
Whoops sorry, I think I meant English volume 5.
English volume 5 will be out on 28th of this month.
And English volume 6 will be out on Jan 20th, 2015.
Hey, sorry if this is offtopic.
Webmaster (and anyone else who wants to answer), if you were allowed to appear in front of Tomoko for 10 minutes and say stuff to her, what would you say?
For example, if a portal were opened between our world and Tomoko’s world, for 10 minutes. Like this:
Myself, I think I’d probably try to give her some advice on how to deal with her social anxiety. I’d tell her not to care so much about what other people think of her.
If I had to say something to her, I would say, “You are cute. You are very cute. Everyone loves you.” or something like that. I think she needs some self-esteem and she can easily get it according to the Hatsushiba chapter.
To be honest, I think I’m going to be crazy because Tomoko is too cute. And because of that I’m running this web site.
By the way, you guys can embed images into your comment from and some other websites.
I wouldn’t appear myself, but I’d get Jim Wendler, Mark Rippetoe, Scooby Werkstatt, and Elliot Hulse (in that order) to give her a nice talking-to.
@Phoenix_ya: “Tomoko has a younger brother and Kii-chan, a three-year younger cousin on the maternal side. Does she have any older cousin?”
Tanigawa Nico: “I’m not sure about that. (dodging the subject)”
In chapter 42, where Imae Megumi said Tomoko was her friend… that scene hurt me. Why? It brought back… memories. Back in middle and high school. Just like a good portion of all of anime/manga or just geek/nerd in general fanbases, I WAS Tomoko. I “knew my place”, knew I was supposed to hate the “jocks” and “preps”. I have no idea what the popular kids are supposed to be called nowadays, but that’s what they were called about 12-15 years ago.
Anyway, some of those people… were nice to me. Some would say hi, I’d snub them. Some would say I’m cool, I’d just mutter “thanks” while assuming it was some multi-layered form of bullying. Even the most attractive girl in school once said I was awesome. It all sailed right over my head, like my memories were auto-matically re-written so my illusions of being the bottom-rung of popularity would not be broken, so that I could keep my sanity. For back then I truly did blame all of them, but nowadays I know that it was all my fault. All my fault. They didn’t hate me, I hated myself, and projected that hate on all around me.
That scene of the popular girl calling Tomoko her friend, brought all those memories back in an instant. I needed that, I needed that reminder of who I was, to show how very far I’ve come, and to show just how far I need to go to finally make it, brah.
We’re all gonna make it, brah.
We’ve already made it.
I’m so glad that we’re gonna make it, bro.