Since I’m not good at communication, this forum is closed.
- Tanigawa Nico’s Tweet Collection
- Interview with Tanigawa Nico in the official fan book
- Interview with Tanigawa Nico on weekly playboy
- Profile of Tanigawa Nico on Monthly Big Comic Spirits
- Internet radio show Tanigawa Ikko appeared, Part 1
- Internet radio show Tanigawa Ikko appeared, Part 2
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Watamote Fan Communities
@Postola_cream: “What does Tomoko smell like?”
Tanigawa Nico: “I don’t know.”
Didn’t someone in the comic say she smells like old people?
On the cover of the comic Vol.1, two boys said that Tomoko smelled like their grandpa and grandma’s house.
Would you mind translating this tweet, too?
Tanigawa Nico: “I feel that the change from the 2nd pic to the 3rd is unreasonable LOL”
Ah, thank you.
Greetings from Venezuela!… There’s one thing I’d like to know, what’s the name on the song on chapter 10 where she imagines she’s with two people on the club that she created, but she’s really sitting in her room having tea with her stuffed doll and cute cushion… I think the song is amazing… but can’t find it anywhere, I’ve asked a lot of people and nobody seems to know… I’m really looking foward to the OVA that will be soon released 2 days before my birthday! I’d appreciate the help, have a nice day (or night)…
The song is “日常キラリ / Nichijou Kirari” by Remi.
Thanks! I found this song so relaxing it will surely help me rest after classes :D!
Any word of the Spin-off manga? I think the last one was about Komi and her dad
Tomomote is still on-going on Gangan Joker almost-monthly and I think the chapter is not the latest one. If you mean the fan-translation, I think that it’s better to ask on the translator’s site.
…. Since I’m not Popular, summer break is coming to an end.
While we’re at it, I have something I want to say. I’m so glad this is a real website that actually exists. I think the webmaster is a great guy (or girl).
Tomoko was cute in the latest chapter.
Thank you.
But I’d rather say that the fanbase of Watamote is great. Talking about Watamote with you guys is so much fun.
Chapter 66 is out.

Tomoko: “You like school.” “You like school very much.” “You’re dying to go to school.” “You love school.”
The “famous experiment” in this chapter is probably just an urban legend. On the Japanese Internet, they say that Nazi Germany did it as an experiment of Gestalt psychology during WWII. However, there was no such experiment, as far as I know.
The next chapter will come out on October 16th. (over a month, huh?)
They’re probably taking a month-long break. The artist sure as hell earned it, after all. I get the impression she draws all the pages by herself and has no assistants. It’s hard work.
I think she does have some assistants. Check the Watamote FAQ from 2012 that World-Three translated:
One of them wrote “all the backgrounds that my assistants drew” in response to the question “What do you think the best part of volume 2 is?”. Penis.
Oh, I do love watamote, and especially Tomoko. Such a thoroughly hopeless character.
I’m thinking of trying to complete NaNoWriMo this year again, and intend to try slipping in a little covert tribute to the manga. It’s too bad I didn’t find the manga early enough to join the others in sending the author “picture greetings”. I suppose I’ll refrain from that kind of support then, at least. :3
LOL! “F**k me”? “Help me”? “Die me”?? That made me laugh. Oh man, this chapter is going to fun! I can’t wait ‘till World Three releases the chapter.
Actually, it’s not “die me”…. it’s “dig me.”
btw, I just read the chapter. I think Tomoko shouldn’t get sad over not getting talk to a guy. Compared to her last summer break, this summer break is much better. She has actual friends to hang out with.
I’ll be waiting for the next chapter. Maybe the next chapter is going to be the last ‘summer break’ chapter.
“If I were a guy, I’d knock you up”.
Was that supposed to be a joke?
I know it’s kinda late to answer your question but yeah, it’s a joke.
When a guy says he knocked up a girl, it means he got the girl pregnant.
does anyone know where this comes from? saw a comment saying it’s from the anthology but i can’t find any raws of the anthology to be sure
I have the anthology and I’m sure that comes from it.
Do you know what chapter? as only 7 are out in english
It is the tenth chapter, titled “私がゆうちゃんでゆうちゃんが私で / I am Yuu and Yuu is me.”, by Fumino Hayashi. Its plot is Tomoko and Yuu exchange their body.
Got it thank you for taking the time to tell me
Seems like the latest watamote is out. I don’t understand Japanese, but it looks like an interesting chapter. Especially since it has Tomoko trying to speak English.
Yes, the Chapter 65 is out.
FYI about the swimsuit that Tomoko picked out for Komiyama, try searching the word “Egashira 2:50” on Google Images
The next chapter will come out on September 4th. (only a week to go!)
I wonder how the english translators will do that
Tanigawa Nico: “Thank you very much. I will read it when I visit the editorial office.”
The release date of the Chapter 65 has been postponed to August 28th. There is no details.
How do you feel about this?
You know, this is not the first time, probably the third or fourth. So I thought “Not again!” or something like that.
Does any one know when episode 13 coming out ?
October of this year, but I don’t remember the exact date.
It will come out on October 22nd, along with the comic vol.7.
Just in time for my birthday, who is voicing Komiyama in the OVA?
Kaori Mizuhashi. See this comment for more info.
Sorry to bother you. I’d just like to take this as an opportunity to ask you, what do you think of Komi-something-san? In the most recent chapter she was really attractive looking, which surprised me. At this point I think I’m finding her even more attractive than Yuu-chan. Oh shit… ohh yeah man. I think it’s because I like girls with dark hair and glasses. But anyway.
What do you think of her? I mean her personality as well as her looks.
Sorry if I bothered you at all.
To Justin Cox
I also think Komiyama is more attractive than Yuu and as far as I know a lot of other Japanese fans think so, too. They say Komiyama is more real-otaku-ish than Tomoko who is a kind of know-it-all otaku.
Ватамоте зачётная манга и аниме улётное. Завсегда рад новым главам. Некоторые эпизоды 1-в-1 совпадают со мной. Томоко няшечка. Извиняйте что не инглише, влом.
Didn’t want to clutter up the other page, so I’ll say here:
Who all wrote letters? (not posting the whole thing… embarrassingly personal :P ) (my handwriting sucks)
I also added a large, neat-looking feather and a small USB light in the envelope as little gifts, just because. I wish I had the foresight to photograph the feather, but I got the light a while ago:
Thanks for translating! I hope mine wasn’t too much trouble; I tend to write at an “advanced”, terribly disorganized level. :)
You are welcome!
No problem. Although I’m still on my way to learn English, luckily Japanese is my native language. So translating into Japanese is not so difficult for me.
Chapter 64 is out.
Yuu: “Yes… That’s why……” “Eh? Sorry! Why?”
>Send your letter to Tanigawa Nico-sensei to cheer them up!!
Is there anyone thinking of sending a fan letter to the authors? I think I can translate your messages into Japanese for you. You have to send your letter from your country, though. Otherwise, they won’t believe the letter is from an overseas fan.
The next chapter will come out on August 21th.Do you mean an actual physical letter? Or do you mean a message on twitter, or an email or something?
In any case, that sounds cool, I might do it. Sending a letter could be fun, though I’m not sure I’d have a lot to say, so it’d probably be very short.
I mean an actual physical letter this time. So I think you will have to print it out.
Do you now the address to which we have to send our letters? I woudl really like to write one to them, and I would appreciate it if you could translate mine into Japanese.
It’s on the chapter 64. Of course, it’s not the authors’ private address. It’s the editorial office of Gangan Online’s address.
I made a new page about fan letters. Check this page if you want to send a fan letter to the authors.
ttp:// will keep this page till the end of this month (August 31, 2014).
I just wanted to share. I got my copy on DVD today!
Watamote anime DVD is out in US? Oh wow, I gotta get this now!
Will it be available in the UK? I was thinking of buying it.
I envy you! I hope mine will arrive before August ends.
How did you got the Watamote anime DVD so early? Wasn’t it supposed to be released on 26th August?
How long do you think watamote will go on for?
Around the time the second volume came out, I expected it’d be 4 volumes long in total. But now it’s 7 volumes long and still going. I wonder when it will end.
I thought Watamote would end when Tomoko graduated. However, the story goes slower now after she became a second year. So I don’t have any idea how long it will continue.
I hope Watamote will continue as long as we support.
I want it to go on until nico tanigawa run out of ideas. Hopefully this encompasses 3 seasons a movie and more ovas. :p All wishful thinking I know.
Just a random crossover I came across.
It's my power's fault! – Watamote x Frozen by Amicherina on deviantART
Have you guys bought the English version of Watamote comic Vol.4? Mine has arrived yesterday.
But in my book, Page 136 which was supposed to be the first page of the bonus manga was completely blank. And in the second page of the manga that described authors at the recording of the anime, one line which was supposed to be the introduction of Kitta Izumi’s name was gone.
Another Japanese fan who bought the book said the same thing. How about yours?
I’m not complaining because I can read those pages in the Japanese version. However, I think that overseas watamote fans may be disappointed.
This appears to be the same in my copy as well.
The blank page must be some kind of misprint or mistake, unfortunately…
The bonus chapter in my copy is there, but I can confirm the missing line on the Authors afterword.
Oh no! You’re right, my copy has the same defect. Like you, I’m not all that bothered because I can just read the fan translation of the vol4 omake, but it’s still unfortunate.
Hi admin!
I was wondering if you knew of a place where I can look up the lyrics (both Japanese and English) for all songs used in the anime since all i’ve found are the op and the main ed.
Thank you in advance.
I could find three of them. Though I don’t know if the translations are good. The copyright protection of songs is very strict on the Japanese internet. So I think you might want to ask on an English anime forum where watamote fans are gathering.
夜のとばりよ さようなら
Thank you.
I’ll keep on looking.
If you’re unsure about my translation’s quality, all suggestions for improvement are welcome! I’m only a self-learned amateur after all.
Are you the translator of 夢想恋歌, right? I didn’t mean your translations were bad. I just didn’t have time to read them. And I’m also a self-learned amateur, of English.
However, I’ve read your translation just now. I still don’t know if your English lyrics are good, because I’m not an English speaker, but I think you catched the Japanese lyrics very well.
In fantranslations of Japanese songs, there are usually one or two misinterpretations of Subjects, because we often abbreviate them, especially in lyrics. But I couldn’t find one in your translation.
By the way, “脳内ギャック” in your page is actually “脳内ジャック (Hijack in your/my brain, or something like that)”. Except for this little mistake, I think your translation is very good.
Ah, sorry for misunderstanding your message earlier, but thanks for your advice! I never would have noticed that ギャック was supposed to be ジャック.
You’re right about misinterpreting subjects being a problem, I’m always paranoid of doing that myself. In some songs, it can be really easy to see, but in others.. it can really take a lot of thinking.
what a shame that TEAR BREAKERS wasn’t translated though, i might have to go search after the japanese lyrics first…