English Forum of Watamote

Since I’m not good at communication, this forum is closed.

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1,782 thoughts on “English Forum of Watamote

  1. (Christmas) Special 3 is out.


    Tomoko: “Does this feel good, Yuu?” “How about this, Yuu?”

    @KouKouuKaru: “What were you doing in your school days?”

    Tanigawa Nico: “I spent my first year all by myself. From the latter half of the second year to the third year, I kept playing mah-jong and games.”

  2. I found that this guy was a bit funny.


    Do you guys know any other funny videos about Watamote? You can embed Youtube videos into your comment just by posting the URL of the video. (※Make sure that the URL is on its own line and not hyperlinked.)

  3. Did you know there’s a subreddit (section/area of the website reddit) about watamote? I’ve been following it for a while. It’s not very active at the moment, but that might change in the future.
    I just thought people here might be interested.

  4. Watamote_chapter052

    Chapter 52 is out.

    Lyrics by Tomoko:

    • おちんちん = Dick
    • おいなりさん = A kind of sushi, flavored boiled rice wrapped in fried bean curd, looks like ball sack (photo)
    • おみそしる = Miso soup
    • おちあいふくし = Fukushi Ochiai (photo), a son of a very famous baseball player and manager in Japan, Hiromitsu Ochiai
  5. As you already know, November 27th was Izumi Kitta’s birthday. These are the videos of the special program broadcasted on NicoNico Douga.

    Izumi Kitta’s birthday anniversary – Live cooking – Gyōza dumplings 1/2

    Izumi Kitta’s birthday anniversary – Live cooking – Gyōza dumplings 2/2

  6. I’m not sure if I’m late or early but November 27 is the birthday of Tomoko’s voice actress, Kitta Izumi.

    • I’m afraid you were one day late. Special program for her birthday anniversary was broadcasted on NicoNico Douga yesterday. I’ll post the video here when someone has uploaded.

      Speaking of Izumi Kitta, she said she wants to go to the U.S. to meet overseas funs of Watamote in the Watamote radio. I don’t know well though, she went to Singapore as a member of Milky Holmes and had an autograph-signing session there.

      • Japan time is 1 hour ahead of the country where I live. Shame, I can’t understand japanese. Nonetheless, T.Y. for the reply and the info.

      • Yes, her first name is 恵美(Megumi) and family name is 今江(Imae).

        On this site, except for “Tanigawa Nico” (because this is a pen name), I write Japanese names (Watamote characters and VAs) in the Western style (first name-family name order), probably.

        • Ah, I see. Thanks. I often get confused about that kind of thing.
          I’m not sure why, but for some reason I think Megumi is a cute name.

      • I guess it was sociology or something. In the text, it says “there is tendency to attach too much importance to communication nowadays (2010s).”

  7. I found a new item of Watamote at Amazon.

    FIVEqross Booster Pack FQ-BP04 Watamote BOX (CDJapan)

    FIVEqross is a new TCG recently launched by Bushiroad. I don’t well know about TCG, though.

    1 box contains 10 packs, 1 pack contains 5 cards randomly. There are 30 normal cards and 3 special cards in total. 1 box doesn’t always contain all kinds of cards.

    • >Tomoko: “Why nobody finds me? Why nobody cares for me?”
      I’d like to correct your English. That should be:
      “Why doesn’t anyone find me? Why doesn’t anyone care about me?”

      I changed it from “care for me” to “care about me”. To ‘care for someone’ usually means looking after them, for example, if you were to look after a person who’s sick or ill.

      I just thought you might find this helpful.

    • This chapter was sad but with moments as usual. Also, the official translations are very good, they include explanations of references and slang words in the back, so I picked up on some jokes I’d missed before.

    • I played this “waiting for someone to find me” game to fool myself back then, too ;_;

  8. No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular! Vol.1
    Watamote Vol.1

    The first volume of the Yen Press edition of Watamote arrived yesterday, a day before the release date.

    I enjoyed it and thought that its translations were really good. I would like to know you guys’ opinions. Is there anyone else who has read it?

    • That’s strange, I just got an email from amazon.co.uk telling me that the estimated delivery date has been changed from early November to early December, apparently as a result of the release date being changed. I preordered it at the end of September.

      So I guess I won’t get a chance to read it until over a month later.

      • Really? What a shame. I would like to know what you think of its translations, just out of curiosity.

        For example, in chapter 2, Tomoko managed to say good-bye to her teacher and bought some ice cream.

        Original Japanese: “やったー!! 普通にもの凄く自然に人と会話できたー コンビニでアイス買って帰るー!!”



        I think the last sentence of fan translation is more literally correct, but what I would like to know is which one is cuter. Because I think this original Japanese is awfully cute and adorable.

        • Got my copy and read it! Yeah, the translation is great! Tomoko is cute… I like the wording in the official translations.

  9. Chapter 49 is out.


    Tomoko: “There might be a risk of death…”

    I have a question. Did your country/school have a school trip? If it had, where did you go? I went to Okinawa when I was in high school.

    • We didn’t have compulsary field trips in the equivalent of highschool. But there were some in the quivalent of middle school, it was things like a theme park or a historical site.

    • My high school had quite a few field trips, none of them were compulsory of course. I only went on one field trip during high-school and that was at San Diego to go aboard the USS Midway, a museum ship, it was fun.

  10. How long do you think the watamote manga will continue for?

    I’m personally guessing it will end around mid 2014.

    • Considering they’ve got merchandise releases already planned up through October of next year, I’d say they’re not planning on ending it anytime soon. I suppose what’s really important is how long it continues to be popular and whether or not Number Girl achieves the same status.

    • Considering that there will be 7th volume, along with an OVA, to be released in late October 2014, I doubt it.

  11. I’d date Tomoko XD I love Watamote and you’re other works as well. Thank you Ms.Tanigawa you’re an awesome author and artist <3