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I have a question. What do you guys think would happen if Tomoko one day got drunk? How would she react? Personally, I think she would just play video games, listen to music, and masturbate. Lol
Depend on how much she would drunk. Make a phone call to Yuu, try to tease Tomoki, get another slap from the mother.
But isn’t alcohol strictly prohibited for people under 20 in Japan ?
She’s physically obviously minor, and she can’t even buy some mature books (thanks internet, it’s no problem any more but still). So I doubt she’ll even get drunk before her 20.
I think the activities given above are actually pretty rigular for Tomoko.
Forgot again to put my name up there.
>But isn’t alcohol strictly prohibited for people under 20 in Japan ?
She has throat – she can drink any liquid substance.
This is pretty creepy…
‘Gasoline tastes like happiness.’ – Tomoko Kuroki, 2015
>Personally, I think she would just play video games, listen to music, and masturbate.
So… basically what she usually does in her spare time? Hah.
I can imagine her bringing a swig home if she happened to find it on the street or something and then just hide it from the rest of the family. She’d indulge in it, comment the taste of alcohol is awful(“How do people drink this??”), then continue drinking while playing games or watching shows(might do a drinking game even) until she just feels barely conscious and decides to go to sleep instead.
Then the next day at school she’d be try to impress everyone and including Yuu and Komiyama, like “hay gurrrrls guess who this party animal is! raawr”.
Back home, Tomoko’s mom would then find the empty bottle, or catch her trying to dispose of the bottle, and promptly spread a fiver across her face.
Best story ever.
Not kidding, I have many story ideas in my head for chapters. I kinda wanna try to draw them, just like people have done for the Anthology, at least as a means for me to practice drawing comics…
I’m not gonna try to convince you to forget about it. Art is freedom, and I’m happy for you you’re willing to have a taste of it.
Just let me give you an advice.
Do not let people judge you or force you to change your natural artstyle.
Long story short, your inner flamme of Art will be extinguished.
Vomiting is unavoidable.
>But isn’t alcohol strictly prohibited for people under 20 in Japan?
You must not sell alcohol to minors in Japan. But I think Tomoko would find a way to buy on the Internet.
With whose credit card ?
Her parent’s ?
They’re less painful ways to commit suicide.
She can pay at convenience stores by cash.
Ordering online, paying at convenience stores. Is it only in Japan?
Not in France anyways.
But I won’t make my country a reference of Europe, because we’re around 10 years late for almost everything here.
Himoane! Tomoko-chan
干物姉!ともこちゃん by えんたい on pixiv
I like the artstyle, and it’s pretty funny.
But dudes, Hitachi and Boy’s love. XD
Tomoko merrily preparing to make some rice balls for her Brother.
That’s just amazing.
So here’s something I’ve been meaning to ask for a while, but I’m not sure how to put it.
What sort of a person do you think Tomoko would grow up to be? In most societies, whenever a person has a shy and introverted lifestyle like Tomoko does, it is usually a sign of great intelligence or creativity. While we haven’t seen Tomoko being really talented in the traditional sense, she obviously likes to daydream a lot and has a very distinct worldview. She looks at things differently than other people. She is a very imaginative person, and I think she needs to realise what a gift this is, though so far in the story she has never made a conscious attempt at undertaking some smart and creative hobby. We’ve seen she wants to study the arts and that at one time she scored 100 at a history test, which just goes to show she can do some amazingly talented things if she just puts her mind to it! And as much as her popularity stunts early in the manga have failed or seem idiotic, it is undeniable she has put a lot of thought and effort into planning and even daring to do them.
There’s something so… unique and really likeable about Tomoko and how she’s such a fierce and honest individual in spite of how everything works against her. I wonder if people here think that too. Do Japanese fans think the same thing? Do they think she is a creative individual, or do they think she is a lazy, stupid, and rude good-for-nothing? But in the end I think she has a potential to be such a wonderful and one-of-a-kind person when she grows up.
(sorry for my sorry english)
She’s lazy, period. She gets average grades in spite of her laziness and constant daydreaming. She also feigns illness and skips classes at times.
I smell wasted potential :/
Well, considering how some of my MS and HS half-friends classmates did way worse than her in term of lazyness and grades and still ended well in term of professionel formation, I think grades doesn’t mean much in High School.
If she attends university, I think she’ll most likely study Computer Science or study Japan History (since she seems to be pretty fluent in it), or maybe work in the Military.
>Do Japanese fans think the same thing?
Interesting. Let’s ask Japanese fans who visit this fan site.
Tommorow, I’ll make a blog post and translate your comments into Japanese there. After they post some comments to it, maybe in one or two weeks, I’ll summarize them in English and post here.
You’re too kind. Thank you!
That would be great!
Tomoko with YAMAHA GTS1000
ハブステアがマイナーなのはどう考えてもヤマハが悪い? by 西宮真琴 on pixiv
もこっち by noe on pixiv
That Yamaha one looks great. I wonder how it was coloured. Is that Copic or simple colouring pencils?
Definitely the Yamaha pic it’s Excellent webmaster!!!
According to the artist’s profile page, he uses Copic, watercolor pencils and Holbein’s inks. Probably he used one of them to color the pic.
Oh dear, hah. This just makes it more ambiguous. Thanks for replying, anyway.
These pictures are both really cute, thanks for sharing.
It’s interesting how one company makes so much different stuff. Yamaha makes everything from motorbikes to musical instruments. I have a bass guitar made by them (Yamaha RBX170).
While I’m at it, Webmaster, do you play any instruments?
I had some electric guitars, Gibson Les Paul Custom and Fender Telecaster. I used to play them when I was a student. But I don’t have them now.
Web master, as a fan in japan, i assume you have all the publication. I just bought two anthologies from an japanese book store in my city, I don’t speak or read japanese, but they look nice. One is obvious, the second one is a mystery. Is there a fan anthology, or a unreleased stories one. Purple cover, one of the stories Tomoko beats up Tomoki, a a dog looks like it wants to be good friends with tomoko :)
At this point, there are 8 volume comics (vol.6 and 7 have two editions), 1 spin-off comic, 1 official fan book, and 1 official anthology. Please check Related goods of Watamote page for details.
>Purple cover, one of the stories Tomoko beats up Tomoki, a a dog looks like it wants to be good friends with tomoko
I suppose it’s the official anthology.
I’d like to know what is another one you bought. Maybe the official fan book?
Those are the two of bought. No CD though, maybe I should look if the CDS are in the store. I hope they translate them, but I am not hopeful.
Most of the anthology has been translated some time ago by /3w/
Good to know, i’ll check it out.
Do you know where can I read the translated pages for the Anthology/spinn-off/official fan book? Maybe a link perhaps? If webmaster allows it ofcourse.
I hope you guys won’t post direct download links. However, to suggest keywords for search engines is not a problem.
As far as I know, there is no translation of the official fan book yet. It’s not a manga but a fan book that has lots of infomation related to Watamote that we already know.
Perhaps you guys will be interested in interviews with the anime staff, the voice actors and Tanigawa Nico. But they are too long to translate.
I should really order the Anthology at some point, it’s such a stunning collection of artwork. I love comics a lot and to see the Anthology have so many art styles in them that try to depict Watamote in so many different ways to me is amazing.
I can’t buy a book containing a crying Tomoko.
Man, that chapter was utter depressing :(
The one with the train and her otaku goods…
That ending :(
They are worth it, if you can find them at normal price. The cover and binding are nice compared to the normal run of collections. a translation would be great, but even if you can’t read them The are nice to browse.
Tanigawa Nico: “I guess there won’t be a season 2.”
Tanigawa Nico: “This is not a recommendation, but I think I’m often watching Prison School and Charlotte while drawing the manga.”
Tanigawa Nico: “Though not a main character, Yuu-chan appeared in the latest chapter. I wouldn’t like to draw a long arc like the school-trip for a while.”
WATAMOTE & TOMOMOTE illustrations
So, is it clear that season 2 is not made??
They always respond in such a killjoy manner xp
Hah! Prison school..yes, i definitely understood that there was inspiration taken from that manga. All that lewdness. : D
Season 2 or school shooting
When I saw “I went to the bathroom right before makin the special rice ball” and the image at the very end of the chapter, I can’t help but recall a certain chapter in a certain manga about the “flow of love”.
I hope this Tomoko girl didn’t do what I think she did to make this “special” rice ball.
Yeah, well maybe it’s an hidden joke from Tanigawa.
It’s not the first potential lewd joke inside this manga, but after all, it’s not ecchi… right ?
I think Gospel/Meiru figured it out and put this image on purpose, but maybe it’s just a theory.
I guess the manga you’re talking about is
Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai .
It’s a mature manga with explicit content, so I don’t put any link, but I like it because it depict many questions about the increasing of censorship and permanent surveillance of society.
Putting some “nectar of love” into someone else’s food is a prank we girls have done or will do at least once in our life.
And why are you specificaly answering me ?
Chapter 83 is out.

This chapter featured Komiyama and her love. It was hilarious!
>Two cute girls are in love with Tomoki, but he has Tomoko as his sister.
I wonder if Tomoki is lucky or not. Of course I love Tomoko. But as a younger brother who has an older sister, I don’t want Tomoko to be my sister. I like their conversations, though.
Gospel worked fast too, the chapter is already translated.
It’s great to see Komi back again. And I love seeing that side of her personality where she’s as frantic and desperate as Tomoko, hahah.
I’m sorry but where can I find the translated chapter?
Since any comment with link needs a validation, I’m gonna tell you what to do:
> G**gle the following words: ‘Gospel Watamote’
> First link
> Select etheir Batoto or Mega
Umm just Google Gospel Watamote Ch 83
Today’s Chapter was sooo good! So komi got called Tomoko’s older sis X3 come to think of it she does look like Tomoko without her glasses! Great Chapter webmaster here to September!!!
Yes, I was talking about that few mouths ago.
They’re alike, this is probably why they don’t get along.
Oh god, I never expected a chapter like this.
I guess following a manga since several years helps to see the changes of the writting style and the artstyle.
I’m happy they decided to do dialogued chapter, Tanigawa is really good with it, and each characters now have a concrete personality.
Well webmaster, I’m also a little brother of a older Sister, but mine is 5 years older than me, and we never attended the same school.
I love her very much, and I never though my life would have been better without her.
But she’s radically different from Tomoko. She takes a lot care of her apparence, is really ok with people, and stopped to show any interrest in videogames and stuff since she was 15.
I confess sometime, I wondered how it would have been to have an 1 year older or so big sister like tomoko, but that was before I realised this person was a part of me.
You know webmaster, the two of them seems may act cold most of the time, but I’m sure they do love each other.
I’m also quite sure they do love each other.
Because even though my 2 year older sister’s behavior resembles Umaru-chan’s (she is not an otaku, she is just extremely lazy at home), I love her as a family member.
I just cannot help feeling sympathy for Tomoki ( ;∀;)
That girl at the end is in “Yandere mode” O_o
We seriously will need a watamote skin mod when Yandere Simulator is out !
LOL that girl thought Komi is Tomoki’s sister and Tomoko is Tomoki’s lover! What a funny misunderstanding.
Webmaster Look forward to Today review of,Ch 83!!!
Tomoko and Imae-senpai
“Can I sit next to you?”
隣、いいかな by noe on pixiv
Webmaster Ch 83 is out This Week!!!
It’s out today!
Chapter 83 is dedicated to Komiyama, I guess.
Being Komiyama is suffering, too :p
Large pic of Watamote vol.8 cover on Amazon Japan!
Awesome webmaster!!!!
What a good thing Tanigawa seems to turn them into major characters.
I hope they’ll gradually improve Tomoko and free her from her social anxiety.
I hope so too ^^
I’m intrigued about Komiyama’s role right now.
How do you feel about this?
Large pic of Tomomote cover on Amazon Japan!
Watamote vol.8 (Japanese) on CDJapan
Tomomote comic (Japanese) on CDJapan
That looks amazing! Hopefully we’ll get an English version.
Yeah, I also hope that Yen Press will release an English translation of Tomomote ASAP.
Aw yiss, my favourite time of the year, I love seeing these volume covers in high resolution.
The way the trio positioned their legs on the cover of Tomomote tells so much about their personalities, lol.
Twisted, innocent , serious.
As the new poll says. There is one from france,peru, Malaysia, Taiwan, Romania, Seberia, Sweden, Saudi Arabia (me), Spain 2 from Mother Russia, Mexico, Australia. 5 from USA and 10 from Japan (including the web master.
I guess we have the capacity to build up a powerful international underground guild whose purpose is to change all normies into mojo and social misfits.
Lol. The irony is that it is largely possible
Interesting indeed. Watamote fans from all over the world!
FYI, this is the world map that shows page views by country on this site this year.
The redder, the more page views.
Ahhh Japan is in the Lead webmaster ^^
Hahaha Ch 82 was Excellent all I will say it was good and once again Tomoko did another crazy thing again X3 so yeah!
Ok, I know this question comes up all the time. But, us fans are looking for a glimmer of hope. Since the manga is going strong, and soinds like it will end with highshool, any rumors of a second season. Any Kickstarter type movements or online petitions?
Unfortunately, as far as I know, there is no sign of a second season.
Don’t lose hope guys, Luigi’s Mansion 2 was released after more than 11 year the first one was released, Zero Escape 3 was officialised 3 years after the release of VLR, and HL3 was just officialised.
Well I hope it’s no fake.
>HL3 was just officialised
Well sorry guys, was just fooled by the #1 visited french website regarding videogames that recently turned into a faketory.
Oh, I see. No worries my friend, it was my fault really, for even believing that HL3 was coming. At this point it’s like believing in Santa
Well it depends on how much you guys support the anime. Personally as soon i have heard there is an anime for it i bought it in blue ray
Same here. I own the Blu-ray and every single volume of the Manga as well as the Nendoroids
I was always unusually optimistic about having a season 2, because the manga’s still going strong, obviously, and people are buying it. Though a season 2 will likely again pull only marginal profits like season 1 has, I certainly think studio executives are not ignoring how the manga is doing well and how there are still many fans reading from all around the world.
Whether it’s a year from now or fifty years from now, I can definitely see the anime continuing.
So, volume 8 will go on sale in Japan on the 22nd. Any news from Yen Press regarding the English version?
Tomoko has been lectured for what I assume the fact she boasted herself that she tryed to light a cigarette.
I’ve been wondering for a while now, but why the homeroom teacher cares so much about her student. Is this because she’s a caring person or because this is a common duty amomg teachers ?
Because here, unless the fact most HS forbid being drunk or smoke in the school, they don’t care about the student should drink, smoke or others. In fact this is te oposite. If a student fall into depression, they’d just search to hurt them some more…
Ah… I think this comment needs a spoiler warning.
I think people should read the chapter before coming here to discuss it.
Well she is like the teacher in Yahari ( if you watched the anime) she consider the students as her children of some sort. However she is bad at playing mom
About the chapter…
Is that “Ren-chan” an actual nickname given by Tomoko or only a(nother) translation error?
(sorry for my sorry english)
I think “連チャン/renchan = one after another” is difficult to distinguish from “蓮ちゃん/Ren-chan = a girl’s nickname” for non-Japanese people.
The kanji “連” means continuation and “蓮” means lotus. You know, lotus flowers are connected each other by their roots.
Additionally, it is from a mah-jong term, “連荘/renchan”, so it is originally Chinese.
Hey guys and webmaster if you have instagram could you know I really love talking to everyone and yeah would be cool to connect media ^^
I’ve only got a Skype and Steam acount.
Well, I also have a fb account but I never publish nor login there.
We could make a Steam group or a Skype one.
That’s actually a pretty good idea. Unfortunately, I don’t have none of those you mention.
Wow from this unofficial website to a social media… interesting
Sweet what is yr steam account I’ll add ya :)
I don’t have any SNS account. Because I prefer to be an anonymous on anonymous boards (´・ω・`)
Chapter 82 is out.

Yoshida, Yuri and Ucchii at school! It’s a paradigm shift of Watamote! Tomoko’s world is going to flourish now!!
Maybe the next chapter/arc will be an athletic festival. So I think they will continue appearing at least for a while.
Cover designs of Watamote volume 8 and Tomomote comic are out, too. Now I’m waiting for their large pics on Amazon Japan.
Original illustration for the cover of Watamote vol.8 by Tanigawa Nico
These are bonuses of Watamote vol.8 and Tomomote comic.

If you buy both of them at certain stores, you can get one of these items respectively.
Upper-left: Clear bookmarkers
Upper-right: Large illustrated card
Bottom-left: Clear file folder
Bottom-right: Large bookmarkers
I made a new poll by a request from JM. Please cast your vote!
Watamote readers’ survey: Where are you originally from?
The list on the poll shows the ranking of page views by country on this site this year (from 1st to 25th). Please add a new choice if your country is not on the list.
And I closed this poll. Thank you for voting!
Which roommate on the school trip is your favorite?
Damn it. Where is the English translation version?
This chapter was easy to understand even without the translations. I laughed a lot. I like the field trip friends are going to be continuously featured, but I’m still nervous about how Komiyama and Yuu are slowly getting pushed to the sidelines. I wouldn’t like them to become forgotten characters, after all the bonding Tomoko’s had with them.
Also whoa, can’t believe they decided to do a joke about Tomoko smoking, but I was pleasantly surprised. It’s so much in her character to try smoking to look like a badass, but then have it backfire. It reminds me of when I took smoking in high school just to act cool, but then dropped it after it only made me feel so light-headed, hahah. I was thinking of drawing a comic of my own with that as a subject matter, but I guess the authors beat me to the punch.
I also like the illustration used for the cover of volume 8. It also reminded me of a certain famous album cover that I had to edit it on Photoshop, and…
Abbey Road
Of course Japanese fans also noticed that. And I reposted your tumblr post on the Japanese forum of this site.
I live in London, and my friend recently walked across that road. He phoned me up and got me to take screenshots of him when he appeared on the abbey road webcam.
Personally, I want to wait for the English translation so then I could enjoy the chapter to it’s fullest.
Beatles Westminister Abbey Road is the album yr talking bout
Nice work, dude…
I think I’m gonna use it as a new backgroumd image for my laptop. :D
Woa, looks like the concept art for vol 8 is a reference to the Beatles crossing the street.
But it means the 3 school trips girls will became major character. Yeah !