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Webmaster chapter 82 is out Today!!!!
Delinquent-chan and Kuroki-san
ヤンキーちゃんと黒木さん by よくぼう on pixiv
I’m telling you guys. Those two will end up together.
Webmaster Chapter 82 is out Tomorrow!!! So Excited!!!! ^.^/
Ah yeah man. I’m looking forward to it.
(By the way, whenever I leave comments on this site from now on, I’m going to use this name. In the past I’ve used several names and changed them very often, but now I’ve decided that I’m going to stick to one name.)
Yeah, I’m wondering what’s the next chapter (;´Д`)
Hello Web master
A while back you posted two awesome pictures of Yu and tomoko as panty and stocking. Along with an image of tomoko, tomoki and in a Kung fu pose. do you remember these? I actually color printed them and put them in a cheap small frame on my wall. Look great, but I was wondering what the Kung-fu image wording said.
>Yu and tomoko as panty and stocking
>tomoko, tomoki and in a Kung fu pose
Sorry, I don’t remember either of them.
If you upload the pic on or somewhere, and then post its URL here, I’ll translate it into English for you.
Oh, I kinda think I know whose image you’re talking about Tomoko, Tomoki and Yuu in Kung-Fu pose.
It was a funny picture and the front cover on /3w/ cover, but infortunately after /3w/ winter blackout, I didn’t manage to see it again.
It may be inside the tomoko masterfile posted on 8chan, but right now I’m in a bar and I don’t feel like checking a whole 462 Mo file containing only images (often lewd) of the same manga girl.
Webmaster, I’d like to know what is marked in this one:
well its a reference to Kill Me Baby I think
Kill me baby sonya – Tomoko oribe yasuna – yuu
As Catwister and Teddiyori said, it’s a reference to the cover art of Kill Me Baby volume 1.
Kill Me Baby
OMG so true. I’ve almost forgot about this manga.
Is this the one you’re referring to?
It’s a little crossover/alt art pic referencing Yotsuba.
AS JM said, it’s a reference to the back cover art of Yotsuba&! volume 2.
No matter how I look at it, it’s you guys’ fault I’m not popular!
Yes, that’s the one I asked about. I went to the print shop and had it printed on nice glossy 8×10 paper. I framed it and it looks real cool, but I never found out what it said. I guess I should have known it was just the name. Thanks!
You are welcome (*´ω`*)
I made this video a while ago for Tomoko’s birthday. But Youtube took it down for copyrights! grr, if you guys ever make a watamote AMV, remember to mirror it!
Awesome!!! I love it Great Job yo
Wooo Webmaster Yay Chapter 82 is out this week and Can I say thank yuu for making that b day pic it’s saved to my phone Thanks webmaster you are AWESOME!!!!! From A Happy Teddiyori Who Lives In Australia ^^
You’re Australian ?
Lucky you, I’ve visited various countries around the world and Australia was my favorite.
Where do you leave there ?
We need a poll regarding our countries of origin. It’d be fun.
Sounds Awesome JM
OK. When chapter 82 is out, I’ll make a new poll “Where are you originally from?”
Thank you, Webmaster.
Cairns Queensland ^^
wow, we sure got the multicultural group huh? Im living in the US but I was born in El Salvador, and lived there till 3rd grade
I’m living in Sweden but I’m from Colombia, xd.
Wow Sweden man that must be cold yo!
Happy Birthday, Teddiyori!
I hope you have a wonderful Birthday filled with Love & Fun!
Happy birthday!
But remember… The cake is a lie!
Happy Birthday Teddiyori!
Thank yuu ^.^/
XD thanks haha yes wise words from Glados :p
It’s late but Happy Birthday.
Thank yuu ^^/
Thanks webmaster really appreciate This pic for me And I had A Awesome birthday Best bit my Sibling won an Award for Acting But Everyone thank you so much :) love ya all from my heart to yrs HUGS!
Ayy congrats Teddiyori.
Thanks yo ^^
Wow, that was very kind of you.
Yes Webmaster is very kind!
I’m not Teddyori, but this was kind of you, Webmaster.
Webmaster is awesome ^.^
Well that was a good chapter. I honestly didn’t expect we’d see Tomoko deliver the souvenirs to her brother.
I’ve got the feeling this will be easy to photoshop.
XD Kuroki face from that narwhal painting Webmaster that was really short Ahhh Good a great pre birthday present for me now to wait for August ^.^ webmaster what was yr fav part of this chapter?
Tomoko’s blushing face. Trying to buy a BL doujin TWICE was very funny, too.
For women
Wow she really is Fujoshi
Webmaster, do you think Tomoko fits the definition of Fujoshi?
I personally think she is not yet because I think Fujoshi means women who are addicted to BL. She is interested in BL, but not addicted yet.
Some Japanese probably say “All women who like BL are Fujoshi”, though.
Generalising girls because of their taste on BL seems as accurate as the french common thought: “Anyone who likes, directly or indirectly, anything related to Japan are with no exception retarded hipser wanabe”.
Chapter 81 is out.

JKお散歩 / JK walk:
A kind of JK business
エウリアン / Eurian:
A Japanese internet slang for a fraud who sells screen paintings like Lassen and Hiro Yamagata at absurdly high prices. Especially in Akihabara, they rip off otakus who cannot speak with opposite sex well.
I wonder if you guys have known these kinds of stuff. I myself had known only their terms and outlines.
Anyway, the school trip arc has finished. So please cast your final vote to “Which roommate on the school trip is your favorite?” I’ll close it when the next chapter is out.
And I made a new poll by a request from TCF. Please cast your vote to it, too!
・What is Tomoko for you?
About that Eurian…
Is that related to this manga?
I hadn’t heard of the manga before, but I googled and found it was exactly about an Eurian girl.
A term Eurian comes from “絵/paintings” + “売り/sell” + “アン/-an (English suffix)”
The paintings are very similar:
Dolphins Narwhals
I think they are parodies of Lassen.
Yup great polls webmaster also now to wait for Gospel English Translation
it’s already out (‘ω’)
But only the first page had been translated into English talk about doing something half ass.
Nevermind I did some research and found the rest of the pages.
Can I have again the link for the raw chapter ?
Here you are.
The number in the URL means the chapter number.
I don’t really know if you have b& me because of my last comment or if the forum is experiencing technical difficulties, but I try to post one more time.
If I can’t see this comment, then I’ll assume for 12 hours it’s just a bug, after I’ll assume you hit me with the BanHammer.
To prevent comment spam, some comments, for example with a URL, need to be approved before they will appear.
I’m checking at least one time a day. So please be patient.
Short but rather cool chapter.
I prefer the gags now, way more than before, because now Tomoko is not being infected emotionaly or physicaly wounded by her mistakes or misunderstandings, at least not that much.
Yes, webmaster, I’ve heard of this kind of “dates” before, in one of those TV show we’re so pround to make here who mocks other people and their different culture (especialy concerning Japan).
All I remember about that is a scene where they shown an young salaryman paying for a date with a girl that looked like she was a third year in HS. Else than talking about absolutely nothing concrete (“I like gentle boys” “O-Oooh this is exactly me”) all they did was looking at each others with ashamed smiles.
I’ve also heard some HS girls tended to “take a ride” with older men in exchange of money, without nescessary ending up with sex, but still. And sometime it may end up really bad. For example, read “the savior” (not sure this is the right title) from Tanigushi.
While in the 21th century this is mostly unaccepted by society, I’ve learnt this culture of “being accompagned with yougers girls” may have something to do with the feodal samurai and cult of warrior from the past. What do you think about this webmaster ?
Also, about the poll I cannot choose between Yoshida and Yuri.
They both would fit the best friends possible for Tomoko. Yashida being pretty much the inverse of Tomoko (and frankly I’ve got the feeling she’s getting a crush for Tomoko) and Yuri with her kind heart and very adaptativeness. I think those two could bring more to Tomoko than her mother, brother, homeroom teacher, Yuu, the female Sempai and anyone else.
… Webmaster, did you just deleted my comment ?
nope (`・ω・´)
… Yesterday I’ve posted a long comment concerning this chapter, but it was apparently deleted (I’ve checked on different connexions and computers)
Then I attempted to post a message asking if you deleted it (no url), but it never appeared.
I’ve changer my IP and ISP, and posted, and this time it worked.
That’s the story. I was wondering if you’d b& me because of my comment. But it just came back. So webmaster, it seems the forum is experiencing some technical errors.
I say again.
To prevent comment spam, some comments need to be approved before they will appear. So please calm down.
Aren’t you a bit paranoid? :p
Relax, man. At times I have problems with the webpage too.
Fan art of Kuroki siblings
The second one is just too adorable :p
Yup agree the second one :)
I don’t think the pictures of older siblings are non-canon.
I mean, there gotta be days where the sis doesn’t feel like using him for her sexuals fantasms and the bro doesn’t play the close-minded normie douchebag.
Hey webmaster ch 81 is out Tonight for yuu ^.^/ look forward to yr recap ^^
i just noticed the terraformars refrence lol…. seriously?! they made a parody out of it even before it was turned into an anime?
They usualy do small cameo/references in the manga, like Misaki from Another or Mekaku City Actors (the kagepro anime), or even Smash Bros for 3DS.
Tanigawa Nico aren’t hermits from the rest of the world. They’re Anons. This is probably why they don’t want their identities to be know.
Wooooo!!! Chapter 81 is out Tomorrow webmaster ^.^/ Excited!!!
Webmaster chapter 81 is out this week any thoughts bout what will happen now that the school trip arc is over?
In Japan, there is a saying, “A school trip never ends until you get home (Be careful until you get home).”
I think at least Tomoko should get home and give Tomoki the GUN keychain as a souvenir.
ahem… you said that you are doing a certain survey when chapter 81 is out^^
I will, so don’t worry about that (*´▽`*)
Well I wasn’t like Tomoko but I can this having symptoms of anxiety really effects yr life socially and all that jazz it’s comforting to know this manga is reality it’s good to see things in reality perspective because this does happen
Fun fact
when i knew about watamote i asked my friend about it if watched it or not. The conversation went like this.
Me: hey X have you heard about an anime/manga called watamote?
X: yes…
Me: Did you see it?
X: i couldn’t finish the first episode
X:because it wasn’t funny… it was depressing… i was getting hurt while watching it that i didn’t complete the first episode
That’s a reason why I like Watamote. It’s a very powerful show.
I experienced the same thing but with the manga.
2 years or so ago, I’ve shared this manga with some girl over skype (because for whatever stupid reason, talking about anime and manga IRL in france will stick in you front “I’m a retarded social misfit”).
After 5 minutes she replied “Eh… well… I cannot read more than chapter 1, the girl’s eyes are scaring me and that’s depressing”.
… The hell ?
This is how I discovered that most normies won’t search to understand, they only judge on the appearence.
I guess that is why people from most of my childhood treated me like a piece of shit.
Because I’ve got fucking scary look with my natural dark heavy bags under the eyes and blue-green iris color, because I’ve naturally got it hard to speak without hesitation because of my handicap even now, because of my unusual reasoning over things, because I’m not good not bad at mostly anything.
But in the end, I guess I’m ok with that. You can’t trust people anyways, they may act friendly and all, but in the end we all act for our own interrests, so we choose B:Betray, for survival.
I would like to deny last part but i can’t. Because it happened to me and i did it myself. But what i think is important is at least to regret betraying for survival from the bottom of your heart or so you speak and believe me, almost no one do that . I had almost the same problems as her when i was a kid. I was even scared to step one foot outside the house. One day mu dad noticed that and forced me to go play with the other kids. Even if you are handicapped and can’t speak without hesitation, i believe such problems could be delt with by working hard over time.
And yeah… one of my friends told me that the normal ppl live a completely different lives than us and its hard for us to understand each other
And wow…. you are from French?
I am…
Well, everyone gotta be born somewhere.
well your English was quite good that i was surprised is all.
Why thank you.
I still do some mistakes though.
Am i the only one who feels like he is pathatic while watching/reading this work?! I mean even if i laugh it feels like i am laughing at myself! I mean it feels like i am looking at myself in a different perspective while reading this. It really hurts to read this kind of works. I started reading this manga because. … well i was depressed and when i am depressed i read something depressing or sick ( in this case watamote). I wished to say how a girl would be if she was an outcast, shy, otaku, stupid and clumsy. .. but after seeing watamote i don’t want to see something like that
I’d venture to say that Watamote owes a large portion of its success to what you’re saying. Most of us Watamote fans relate to Tomoko at some level. I know I do. So don’t feel alone, because you aren’t. :)
Pfft, the rest of the world is full of arrogants wannabe.
*arrogant wannabes
I feel less worse when I relate to Tomoko. Cause I know I’m not alone and that encourages me to be myself. No matter how depressed or creepy.
I am not sure about that… because i think she represented me lots of times in lots of events( at different periods of my life)
On the subject of hentai has anyone read the guro one? While it appeared to piss most people off I thought it was kinda funny. I guess readers took it personally.
I read it. But wish I didn’t.
I read the guro one because I’m a completionist when it comes to things I fan like watamote. It was a horrifying experience. Not scary but gross/tasteless. I wish it did not exist.
I’ve read it, and I died… of laughs !
In therm of gore, this is a admirable piece or art.
I’m not really shocked by the gore, for the 2 reasons I’ve seen a lot of cognito hazardous over the internet, and gthe second is because we’ve studied a lot of gore, violent, and sexual poems,books and paints back then in High School.
Could you give us a link?
Search for Watamote at Pururin.
I read it but I disliked it. Nice art style though..
I can’t lie. I don’t like my waifu getting killed like that.