Since I’m not good at communication, this forum is closed.
- Tanigawa Nico’s Tweet Collection
- Interview with Tanigawa Nico in the official fan book
- Interview with Tanigawa Nico on weekly playboy
- Profile of Tanigawa Nico on Monthly Big Comic Spirits
- Internet radio show Tanigawa Ikko appeared, Part 1
- Internet radio show Tanigawa Ikko appeared, Part 2
- Useful Links for Watamote Fans
Watamote Fan Communities
I have a question, please vote in this poll.
This poll will be closed on 5/16th.What do you think about the teacher in chapter 40?
See also:
I voted “The teacher is basically right. But she should also care about Tomoko’s feelings” because that’s closest to my opinion.
I agree with the teacher, Tomoko needs some friends. But I think the teacher’s approach isn’t very helpful. It seems to me like all she’s really done is tell Tomoko to make friends, and she hasn’t really made much of an effort to find out why Tomoko is in the situation that she’s in, or why she behaves the way she does.
@tokinokin: “Good evening. I wonder who will be the voice actor for Tomoko. I hope it’s Mamiko Noto. By the way, will the anime be 30 minutes? Or 3-5 minuites anime in fashion nowadays?”
Tanigawa Nico: “Anime information is still secret. I’m sorry.”
Have they said anything at all about when we’ll be getting more information? I kind of assumed that we’d be hearing something about it during this break between chapters.
As far as I know, not at all.
Tanigawa Nico said that they’ve got the break for revising work for vol.4 comic. But I also hope we will get more information during the break.
illustrated by Yasunobu Yamauchi, the author of Daily Lives of high school boys.
Chapter 40 is out.
And this is a translation of Futaba’s thread.
Japanese fans’ reaction to Watamote Chapter 40
Oh wow. That’s a cute picture of Tomoko. Ohh shit yeah man. I will save this for later. Thanks.
Why ;_;
And she reminds me of Yassan in Nichibros.
Oh, god damn it. That just made the things worse.
Sorry to bother you about this, and sorry if it’s inappropriate, but there’s something I’ve been thinking about. As I’m sure you know, there was an incident where a number of guys from 4chan sent pictures of their penises to Tanigawa Nico on twitter.
What did you think about that? Did you think it was funny, or did it upset you? In my case I found it quite funny, but maybe that’s because I’ve spent years on 4chan and I’m used to stuff like this. I can understand that it can’t have been pleasant for Tanigawa Nico, but at the same time, I think if it happened to me I’d be able to laugh it off without being at all bothered by it.
As one of Japanese fans, I think it was funny. At the same time, I really wonder why they did such a thing.
I’m not Tanigawa Nico him/herself and don’t have a reason to upset.
>At the same time, I really wonder why they did such a thing.
I think at the time, Watamote was still quite new, and there was not much information available to the English speaking readers. Most of 4chan was under the impression that Tanigawa Nico was a single person, and a woman.
So they had a mental image of Tanigawa Nico as a woman who understands the hearts of lonely people, or perhaps a lonely woman herself, and they may have found this mental image extremely attractive. That might have been part of why they did it.
This is just a guess though.
These days, most people know that Tanigawa Nico is a team consisting of a male writer and a female artist.
Thanks. I think you have a point.
South America here.
Even though we live in different countries, even though our society varies… something is for sure, I think we all can relate to Tomoko.
We also felt that Soul Crushing pain that Tomoko feels in some time.
I once showed this manga to a friend in the internet and now he doesn’t want to talk with anyone anymore.
¡Que Watamote Anime tenga muchísima suerte!
If you are talking about my translation, I did not mean to offend your feelings.
On the other hand, I admit that many Japanese people have a stereotype image of South American people that they are cheerful. The Japanese word “ラテン系 / raten-kei = Latino” has a meaning of cheerful, passionate and active.
I myself, would like to know more about Watamote fans around the world. If you don’t mind, please comment again.
Don’t worry about it! I’m Not offended at all.
About the stereotype…. I’ll just say that I don’t think many of us are always cheerful, passionate and active. However, just as Japan has its nice and polite people, we also have people like that.
There are several kind of people overseas but I say we can see in Tomoko a bit of ourselves in the past.
Changing a bit the topic, I’d like to see more Cultural Exchange threads both in /a/ (4chan) and Futaba. However I see this pretty difficult because there will people shitposting and/or trolling and that will make annoying trying to know more about each other.
By the way, I’m specificaly from Venezuela.
To be honest, I don’t know about Futaba well yet. I had never seen Futaba until I knew 4chan.
But I can agree with you. Although 4chan and Futaba are quite similar and a lot of people are instereted in each other, some people have a kind of territoriality. I don’t blame them for that though.
By the way, are you guys more interested in Futaba than 2ch? Perhaps I will translate Futaba’s thread next time.
I’m speaking by myself here. Not as a representative of /a/. I’d like to see more about Futaba, yes.
But thinking about it again, it would be good to listen the opinions from both sides, Futaba and 2ch.
I am expecting several Cultural Exchange threads when the anime starts in /a/, and also if more people from others sites find out this website of yours, then It’s going to be annoying because they will probably be Weeaboos (Foreign people that are obssesed with Japan, its Culture and everything related) and will turn this place a hellhole.
Needless to say that it will be pretty hard for you to moderate and reply to everyone. That being said, let’s just enjoy these conversations while it last!
I have begun a new blog category for overseas watamote fans.
Japanese reaction to Watamote
I will translate some comments in watamote threads on 2ch.
This is the first post.
Japanese fans’ reaction when Watamote anime adaptation announced
And this is the second post.
Japanese fans’ reaction to Watamote Chapter 39
This is a part of my English training. So please do not expect quality and volume of translation.
As long as I have time, I will post translation of Japanese fans’ reaction when a new chapter is released.
Thanks very much for the translations!
@SHarrity : “Hello! I’m looking forward to Watamote anime. Do you have an idea who is the best voice actor for Tomoko? Sorry, this is google translation.”
Tanigawa Nico : “Nothing special. I hope she can make weird voices.”
Thanks to /a/nons, watamote could become popular.
Many Japanese fans read translations of 4chan logs and were interested in watamote. But nobody translates watamote threads on /a/ now.
So I have begun translation of some watamote threads for Japanese fans. If there are more Japanese fans, they will buy more watamote goods, and watamote will continue longer, probably. (Japanese)
Thanks for doing this.
Are there ever discussion threads about watamote on Japanese imageboards? If there are, I’d be very interested in knowing what the Japanese fans of Watamote are saying, and I’d appreciate it if you could translate some of them.
But of course, only if you have the free time and don’t mind doing it. I mean, it’s up to you, and I don’t want to push you into it or anything.
Anyway, thanks again for all the translated information.
Futaba, also known as 2chan, the largest imageboard in Japan has watamote threads almost daily. I think Futaba is quite similar to 4chan. But I don’t know where Futaba’s archives are.
2ch, the largest message board in Japan also has watamote threads. Each thread on 2ch has 1000 comments and the latest watamote thread number is 23.
The latest watamote thread on 2ch.
I think I can translate some comments in a few threads on 2ch for you. But I cannot translate so many comments into English.
What kind of threads do you want to read? The first one or the latest one? Or parhaps, the one when the anime adaptation announced? I’m glad that you are interested in Japanese fans.
I’m surprised to hear that they have watamote threads almost daily at Futaba, it sounds very active.
I thought about it a bit, and at first I thought I’d be more interested in the Futaba threads, since Futaba is more similar to 4chan. But after thinking about it further, I think that the 2ch threads could be better, because you’re able to look back at previous threads more easily, and that way you might be more likely to find more interesting posts. So I think I’d be most interested in the threads from 2ch.
I’m most interested in knowing what the Japanese watamote fans are thinking/saying in general, but it could also be interesting to know how they reacted to certain specific things (such as the announcement of the anime adaptation. Or how they reacted when a certain chapter had just been released, etc).
As a suggestion, maybe you could go over some 2ch threads, select 5 to 10 or so comments that you think are especially interesting or noteworthy, and translate those, or something.
Anyway, most important, you should do what’s convenient for you. Translating seems time consuming, so you should only do what you feel like doing.
Thanks again for everything.
Chapter 39 is out.
Tomoko has become a second year and a new character appeared.
The new character… she is a disaster!
And an official fanbook of watamote will be published. Gangan online is currently collecting lonely episodes and questions for Tanigawa Nico.
It’s interesting that Tomoko has become a second year at her high school.
I wonder how long Watamote will go on for. Will it end when she graduates? In which case it’d probably be ending a year from now. Or maybe it’ll end up being longer than One Piece. Of course, nobody knows, but it is interesting to think about.
I also didn’t think Tomoko would become a second year.
But we have a school excursion in second year. And perhaps Tomoki has entered Tomoko’s school as a freshman.
I think Tomoko’s school life will be more suffering. I mean “interesting” for us.
GanganOnline’s April Fool’s Day Joke
When you access GanganOnline’s top page,
Tomoko: Hey, are you popular?
Answer A: Yes, I’m very popular!
Answer B: No, I’m not popular at all…
If you choose Answer A,
Bad End 1
Tomoko: “Since you’ve been the forward on your soccer team since second year, you’d say something different from others.”
We don’t have any manga to let you read!
Hint: Read the atomosphere and choose your answer again.
Bad End 2
Tomoko: “Yeah…I’ll kill myself.”
You hurt Tomoko’s sensitive heart like Tofu!
Hint: You have to choose your answer with considering other’s feelings.
Bad End 3
Tomoko: “…nothing…”
I don’t know what should I do to popular people…
Hint: How to break Tomoko’s AT field…?
If you choose Answer B,
New Magazine, Gangan Motenine (“motenai = unpopular” + online) is launched!
“Good news to unpopular people! A totally new sense web comic magazine for unpopular people. Popular people are prohibited to read!”
Featured Content:
・”Meshi of Botch (ぼっち飯)” – Lunch alone gallery, tribute to Keanu Reeves
・ The Secret of Hayako Hama, the Champion of the All Japan Boyfriend only in your mind Championship
・ Daily Lives of High School Boys film adaptation! Directed by Daigo Matsui, also known as a virgin director
・ Special present for readers, Virtual Boyfriend and Girlfriend
You have to use a Super Vibration device to break her AT field!!
Ants. Lots of ants.
Yen Press has licensed Watamote manga! English version of watamote will be published.
By the way, I have a question, please someone tell me.
We can buy a lot of English version of Japanese manga from Amazon Japan. I used to read them to learn English.
Where can you buy original Japanese manga outside Japan? Some /a/nons said that they bought Watamote Comics.
Myself, I bought the Japanese printed editions of watamote from There are other sites, but I haven’t used them or visited them.
Here’s a photo of the box that the third volume came in:
haha, whoops, I meant “”, not I’m too used to typing “”. Sorry about that.
Thanks a lot!
You can buy not only comics, but also many other things. I wonder how many people use CDJapan.
Alot of Anons bought watamote from cdjapan. The shipping fee is alot cheaper than on
I’m glad that you’re helping translate some Watamote things for us. Is there anything on the website in Japanese which we should know about (regarding the anime)?
Nothing important, yet.
It will be TV anime show and distributed by Media Factory.
Watamote Anime Official Site opened!!
And this is Watamote Anime Official Twitter
I will also translate some of its tweets into English.
@watamote_PR: “Watamote Anime Official Site has been opened today! ( I will tweet information about Watamote manga and anime from now on.”
Watamote Joke
God: “I have created a boy named Tomoki. I have given him athletic body, gentle heart, and loving parents. Everyone will love him.”
Angel: “Lord, don’t you think you are a little too generous to him?”
God: “Don’t worry. I’ve also created a girl named Tomoko as his sister.”
Tomoki: “…”

Chapter 38 is out.
Tomoko became an exhibitionist!?
By the way, which color or type of panties do you think suit for Tomoko? I don’t have panty fetish though, some people in the poll answered that they wanna be Tomoko’s underwear.
I don’t think she wore any panties in this chapter!
illustrated by Aki Aoki, the author of Akarui Sekai Keikaku.
Chapter 37 is out. This chapter is the graduation ceremony of third year students.
Now we know that:
The abbreviated name of the spin-off manga is officially “トモモテ / Tomomote”.
The girl’s name at the cultural festival is 今江恵美 / Megumi Imae.
Megumi was a second year student and did not graduate.
And, there is no anime information yet…
I have got my flickr account. Now I can embed flickr images into posts and comments as many as I want.
If you have your flickr account, you also can embed your flickr image into your comment. ※How to use this Forum
Sweet. Are those fan scanlations? How accurate do you think they are in general compared to the original Japanese?
I found its original image in a watamote thread on /a/. I don’t know about other scanlations well.
About the watamote scanlations on /a/, there are some liberal translations in each chapter. I cannot tell whether they are on purpose or not.
Just in case you’re interested, this is the site of the group who translate watamote:
Chapter 36 is out, and Tomoko has become 16!
Although she’s 16, Tomoko is as Chuunibyou as ever. I think you know what Chuunibyou means. And Yuu is too sexy for 15!
There are two censored words in this chapter. I think “XXXX” is パイズリ / Mammary intercourse and “XXX” is フェラ (フェラチオ) / Fellatio.
I wonder what Yuu whispered to Tomoko. What do you think?
I thought this chapter was hilarious. Tomoko’s constant attempts at pretending to be mature always make her seem more childish. I really wonder if she’ll end up changing and being a dynamic character, or if she’ll stay this way until the manga ends. It would be interesting to hear what the author’s plans are for her mental growth.
I was a bit surprised when Tomoko said “What is this bitch saying?” =「何言ってんだこのビッチ」. That seems a little harsh for her to call Yuu a bitch. That’s a fairly strong curse word in English, do people in Japan use it often?
Also, I laughed at 働きたくない 働きたくない 働きたくない
>do people in Japan use it often?
Not in real life. Some people on the Internet use the word against women. In chapter 14, Tomoko thought, “I have to become a bitch JK (“JK” means Joshi Kousei = high school girl) before Kii-chan come.” I think she uses the word without a thought by her envious feeling against popular girls.
Perhaps she knows that it is a dirty word. But the word “bitch” is not so strongly dirty for us. There is difference between knowledge and feelings.
Not only bitch, Tomoko often uses very dirty words for a high school girl, only in her mind. I think this is one of her cuteness and makes her seem more Chuunibyou-ish.
I have a lot of visitors from /a/ today.
Thank you for voting and comments!
You’re welcome man. Thanks again for the site.
By the way, I was wondering, what do you think of the watamote spinoff, “Watashi no Tomodachi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui!”? Have you read it? As far as I know, there are two chapters out so far.
The spinoff is 4 panel-style manga of Tomoko and Yuu’s middle school days. Each chapter has only 7 episodes. Very short.
In the second chapter, Tomoko and Yuu have got another friend named Komiyama (Komi-chan) who wears glasses and has short hair. But Tomoko and she have a bad relationship and cannot talk each other without Yuu.
I wonder what Komi-chan is doing now in High School.
That sounds interesting. I like how Tomoko can’t talk to the new character without Yuu, it suits her. If she had more than one real friend it would start to go against her character a bit.
This is Komi-chan and Tomoko in middle school.
Title: We are good friends?
Yuu’s inner thought:
“When Mokocchi talks, Komi-chan often concentrates on her cell phone.”
“And seeing Komi-chan like that, Mokocchi clicks her tongue.”