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Let’s have polls about Watamote. Thank you for voting!
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終了したアンケート / Closed Polls
- GW後の席替えでもこっちと席が近くなって欲しいキャラは誰ですか? (6人まで選べます) / Which classmate do you want to sit around Tomoko after Golden Week?
- 3年で活躍して欲しいもこっちのクラスメートは誰ですか? / Which Tomoko’s new classmate do you want to see more?
- もう一度登場して欲しいゲストキャラは誰ですか? / Which guest character do you want to see again?
- 今後出番が増えて欲しいもこっちのクラスメートは誰ですか? / Which Tomoko’s classmate do you want make more appearances?
- もこっち以外で好きなキャラを教えてください / Who are your favorite supporting characters from Watamote?
- あなたにとってもこっちとはどんな存在ですか? / What is Tomoko for you?
- 修学旅行の班のメンバーでは誰が一番好みですか? / Which roommate on the school trip is your favorite?
- あなたが一番好きな私モテの単行本は何巻ですか? / Which is your favorite volume of Watamote?
- いずれもこっちに男の友達ができると思いますか? / Do you think Tomoko will ever make a male friend?
- もこっちを除き、ワタモテで一番好きなキャラは誰ですか? / Who is your favorite supporting character from Watamote?
- もこっち派ですか? こみちゃん派ですか? / Which do you like better, Tomoko or Komiyama?
- 私モテアニメで好きな回はどれですか? / Which episode of the Watamote anime do you like?
- もこっち本人を除いて、もこっちを救えるのはこの中の誰だと思いますか? / Except for Tomoko herself, who can save Tomoko?
- 私モテアニメのテーマ曲ではどれが好きですか? / Which Watamote theme song do you like?
- どのデザインのもこっちTシャツが好きですか? / Which Tomoko’s T-shirt do you like?
- 待望のきーちゃん回はどうでしたか? / How was the Kii-chan episode?
- 全12話中の第6話まで見て、ワタモテアニメの感想はどうですか? / After watching 6 episodes, what did you think of the Watamote anime so far?
- 喪40でもこっちの担任教師がとった行動をどう思いますか? / What do you think about the teacher in chapter 40?
- 私モテのグッズはどんなモノが欲しいですか? / What kind of Watamote goods do you want?
- 私モテのアニメを担当する制作会社はどこが良いでしょう? / Which studio do you prefer for Watamote anime?
- アニメ化が決定しましたが、もこっちの声優は誰が良いでしょう? / Who do you think the best voice actor for Tomoko?
- もし私モテの登場人物になれるとしたら、誰になりたいですか? / If you can be a character of Watamote, who do you want to be?
/jp/ Unko Culture pls go home
Satomi Arai fits the role perfectly.
..y-you too.
Why is there no Onahole option for merchandise?
If you can’t get GLORIOUS Wakamoto then I would settle for Kobayashi Yuu.
Good Job!
I hope you make lots of money!
Looks like Watamote? More like Wakamoto.
i always wear a kilt because i’m celtic i’m french and i was born in brittany
waito piggu go homu
Ayako Yoshitani + Hoods Entertainment.
I like to see this happen as I feel Hoods is the best kind of studio for this kind of work.
I say Satomi Arai + Studio Xebec, that’s the wining formula.
I think it’d be interesting if Xebec made the anime adaptation of Watamote.
Also this anime will be shit.
Wakamoto + SHAFT, that’s fucking magical.
Sawashiro Miyuki
Sugita > Wakamoto
Kobasashi Yuu…
Kobayashi* fuck my keiboard.
I love watamote!!!!!!!!
Norio Wakamoto!
Fumihiko Tachiki!